Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay -

Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay - really

Ecology and Evolution, in press. Researches in Organic Geochemistry, 34 2 , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 49 , Biogeosciences, 16 19 , American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 4 , Oecologia, 2 , Danforth, B. The American Naturalist, 3 , Geochemical Journal, 53 1 , Ecological Monographs, 89 1 , e Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay.

Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay Video

GAMSAT Organic Chemistry mechanism summary list with explanations

Batubara diekstraksi soxhlet dengan diklorometana:metanol sebagai pelarut. Hasil ekstrak organik difraksinasi menjadi fraksi alifatik, aromatik, keton dan polar menggunakan kromatografi kolom.

Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay

Hasil analisis fraksi keton batubara Tarakan menunjukkan keberadaan senyawa sikloheksil keton, metilsikloheksil keton, dan keton terpen trisiklik. Senyawa tersebut diasumsikan berasal dari bakteri. Analisis fraksi keton batubara Sawahlunto menunjukkan keberadaan senyawa iso dan anteiso-alkanon, dan isoprenoid keton.

Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay

Senyawa hopanon dan sikloheksil keton menunjukkan asal usul batubara dari bakteri. Peringkat kematangan batubara Sawahlunto lebih rendah daripada batubara Tarakan dikarenakan terdapat senyawa hopanon pada batubara Sawahlunto. Proses kematangan batubara juga dapat terhambat jika komponen yang ada pada batubara berikatan dengan oksigen.


Coals were extracted Soxhlet with a mixture of diclorometane:methanol as a solvent. The extracts were fractionated into aliphatic, aromatic, kotones, and polar fraction using column chromatography.

Organic Compounds Of Oxygen Essay

Result of GC-MS analyzed in ketones fraction of Tarakan coal shown presence of cyclohexyl, methyl cyclohexyl ketones, and tricyclic terpane ketones. These compounds were expected formed by bacteria.

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Analyzed of ketones fraction Sawahlunto coal shown presence of iso and anteisoalkan- 2-one, and isoprenoid ketones. Hopanoids ketone and cyclohexyl ketones shown coal formed from bacteria. Rank of Sawah Lonto coal lower than Tarakan coal because there are hopanoids ketone in the Sawahlunto coal. Hopanoids ketone can inhibit the process of coal maturation.]

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