Menopause Research Paper -

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From menarche to menopause: trends among US Women born from to Evidence for a secular trend in menopausal age: a population study of women in Gothenburg. Menopause 10, — The normal menopause transition. Maturitas 61, 4—16 Using longitudinal profiles to characterize women's symptoms through midlife: results from a large prospective study. Menopause Research Paper Menopause Research Paper

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The first, known as menarche, is the time during puberty when a girl begins having monthly menstruation cycles, which often tends to range from years of age. She enters the Pwper change, known as menopause, 12 months following her last menstruation cycle when her ovarian function ceases, usually sometime in her 40s or 50s.

Menopause Research Paper

For many women, these events occur naturally. However, women can enter menopause earlier than expected due to other issues. Women that undergo radiation therapy for cancer typically stop menstruating, as do women who undergo surgical menopause procedures such as having their ovaries removed.

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Duke Appiah, Ph. Part of that link, he opined, could be caused by a woman being naturally exposed to estrogen and various estrogen compounds. Estrogens can be beneficial because they can help protect or delay the onset of certain health issues. However, they also have been Menopause Research Paper with some diseases, and women that normally have less estrogen and remain that way through menopause are more likely to develop heart disease or osteoporosis.

But why do some women who have longer reproductive life spans, and therefore longer exposure to estrogens, still develop metabolic issues?

Menopause Research Paper

Nwabuo, M. Ebong, M. Wellons, M. Winters, M. Not many studies have been done in the U. If we can see some of the factors which are associated with or are driving having natural menopause at an earlier Menopause Research Paper, perhaps we can intervene. None of these studies investigate the link between age at menopause and the development of metabolic health issues. They also failed to address factors that may cause a woman to enter menopause earlier in her life.

Menopause Research Paper

Memopause addition to providing a significantly larger sample size, the NHANES provides a cross-sectional sample of the non-institutionalized U. It includes a detailed demographic and behavioral questionnaire, a physical examination, laboratory testing and a list of all prescription medications used by the respondent. Using this data, Appiah was able to analyze 7, women aged 40 to 74 Menopause Research Paper at the time of the survey and who had reached natural menopause.

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This resulted in an increase of the mean reproductive life span from In multivariable adjusted models Menopause Research Paper saw that race and ethnicity Black and Hispanicpoverty, current and former smoking status Importance Of Small Enterprises hormone therapy use were associated with earlier age at natural menopause and a shorter reproductive life span. Factors such as more years of education and use of oral contraceptives were associated with women who Menopause Research Paper natural menopause at a later age and had longer reproductive life span. Appiah said other factors not assessed in their study such as lifestyle and behavior factors, improved access to health care, nutrition, obesity and environmental factors may be related to the increasing trends in age at natural menopause and reproductive life span. In past research, Appiah has shown that menopause is associated with metabolic conditions, which also influence the development of certain diseases.

More importantly, he said, his work has shown that researchers tend to be more concerned about the age at which women reach menopause when they actually need to identify factors that are causing women to reach menopause at an earlier age because those factors tend to be more important. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciencesoriginally a part of the School of Medicine, became a separate school in to coordinate the training of biomedical scientists.

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