Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay - rmt.edu.pk

Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay

From figurines of Venus that show signs of success of fertility, the printing visit web page Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay about and gave way to what became the modern mass media. It is this modern mass media that became the focus of studies conducted by scientists and psychologists, determining how its effects on children can cause the development of negative behaviors. Researchers have conducted extensive studies regarding this issue through the years, and although correlation between media violence and the development of negative behaviors among children has been proven to exist, violence in media persists to this day.

Efforts to eliminate violent contents on media have been conducted by stakeholders, strengthening campaigns and community programs that will help bring awareness and eventually mobilize them to contribute and show. However, media violence persists, which leads me to believe that instead of eliminating media violence, regulating it may be the best solution in order to protect children.

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Media violence is defined as the depiction of violence in media sources Gentile Anderson As people moved towards the era of modern technology, people became more exposed to media violence. Media is a big umbrella from which modern communication tools that include newspapers and magazines, television, music, radio, movies, advertising, and photography are categorized. Among these forms of media, advertising was the first to exist. Since the beginning of printing, people have been exposed to media that were meant to persuade and influence human behavior.

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Copies of commercial messages and political Effecst displays were reportedly found in the ruins of Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay and in ancient Arabia. The beginning of violence in media is not clear, but even religious writings like the Bible that went from its early writings in the Roman Empire to its native language translations in the late medieval period have been criticized. Most households today have TV sets, with more than half of the total number of Efefcts all over America having their own in their bedrooms. Being at home most of the time, children were reported to have exhibited the negative consequences of television violence due to their prolonged exposure to violence on television. According to Beresin, on average, an American child watches TV amounting to almost In most shows, the good guy is showed as the perpetrator of violence, sending the message that the use of violence to resolve problems is justifiable.

Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay

Movies, like television, is a form of media that children also get exposed to. In a study by Huesmann, Moise-Titus, Podolski and Eron, exposure to television violence has similar effects with exposure on movies that portray Log acts However, Jonathan L. Freedman states that researches showing that there is a causal connection existing between media violence exposure and aggression are flawed According to Freedman, violence contained within a film or movie does not convey that violence is good or is correct.

Long Term Effects Of Bullying

Both forms of media are just entertainment and do not include information that convince its audience that aggression or violence is good. As mere forms of entertainment, Freedman claims that both movie and television bear no effect on aggressive behavior or violence However, video games, a form of media entertainment that has become dominant in a short period of time.

Studies show that during the mids, children were found to spend an average of four hours in playing video games at home and in arcades. In early s, the number of hours children spent on playing video games on arcades has decreased, but has resulted to a considerable increase in video games played at visit web page. In the latest study conducted on children activities that involve playing video games, children are found to be playing video games in an average of nine hours every week, with boys averaging 13 hours while girls were recorded to play an average of five hours per week.

Popular games like Call of Duty and Grad Theft Auto are found to be violent, and like movies and videos, this theme and the Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay number of hours that children spend playing them have negative results on children behavior.

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Other studies have yielded similar results, and found that most children nowadays prefer to play violent games such as the two mentioned. Video game industry and the rating boards for it have claimed to have seen less violent scenes in their games than parents and other researchers did. These differing views about video game violent lies on how violent video game is defined. Researchers perceive video games as violent when players can harm other characters in the game Gentile and Anderson In most video games, harming other characters appear to be the main activity. Games such as these wherein killing occur at a relatively high rate that prove to be a Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay of concern to researchers, parents and groups focusing on child advocacy.

Long Term Effects Of Bullying Essay

With the findings establishing the effects of exposure to media violence and the development of negative behaviors on children, parents, researchers and child advocacy groups are propelled to take necessary actions to prevent further effects on children.]

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