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Joe Shuster Essays Joe Shuster Essays

Receiving empathy in the form of a gracious and generous listening is like getting a spa treatment for the soul.

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But do not settle for metaphors. For evidence-based research on empathy, empathy and stress reduction, and empathy training you may start by googling: Antoni et al. You do not have to buy the book, Empathy Lessons, to get the research, but if you would like more detail see especially Chapters Four and Six in Joe Shuster Essays Lessons click here to get book from Amazon.

Snuster empathy reduces stress; and reducing stress expands empathy. A positive feedback loop is enacted. Expanding empathy expands well-being. Here empathy is both the end and the means.

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Evidence-based research Essqys the correlation between health care providers who deliver empathy to their patients and favorable healthcare Well-being rides the wave of empathy outcomes. Generalizing on this research, a small set of practices such as receiving empathy, meditation mindfulnessyogic meditation, and Tai Chi, promote well-being by reducing inflammation. These practices are not reducible to empathy or vice versabut they all share a common factor: reduced inflammation. These Joe Shuster Essays interventions have been shown to make a difference in controlled experiments, evidence-based research, and peer-reviewed publications.

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Using empathy in relating to people is lot like using a parachute if you jump out of an airplane or getting a shot of penicillin if one has a bacterial infection.

The evidence is overwhelming that such a practice is Joe Shuster Essays and useful in the vast majority of cases. The accumulated mass of decades of experience also counts as evidence in a strict sense. Indeed it would be unethical to perform a double Joe Shuster Essays test of penicillin at this time, since if a person needed Joe Shuster Essays drug and it were available it would be unethical not to give it to him. Yes, there are a few exceptions — some people are allergic to penicillin.

But by far and in large, if you do not begin with empathy in relating to other people, you are headed for trouble. Empathy is at the top of my list of stress reduction methods, but is not the only item on it. Empathy alongwith mindfulness a form of meditationYoga, Tai Chi, spending time in a sensory deprivation tank not otherwise discussed hereand certain naturally occurring steroids, need to be better known as interventions that reduce inflammation and restore homeostatic equilibrium to the body according to evidence based research.

Biology has got us humans in a bind, since the biology did not evolve at the same rate as our human social structures. This response has evolved over millions of years, and is basically healthy as the body conserves its energy and fights off the infection using its natural immune response.

Joe Shuster Essays

Now fast forward to modern times. This natural response did not envision the stresses of modern life back when we were short stature, proto-humanoids inhabiting the Serengeti Plain and defending ourselves against large predators. Peer reviewed papers demonstrate that interventions such as empathy reduce biological markers of inflammation and restore equilibrium.

Joe Shuster Essays

This is also a metaphor. Empathy migrates onto the short list of inflammation reducing interventions. The compelling conclusion is that empathy is good for your well-being.]

Joe Shuster Essays

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