Is the glass half empty or half full? Essays -

Is the glass half empty or half full? Essays Video

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full? Optimist vs Pessimist by Jacque Is the glass half empty or half full? Essays Is the glass half empty or half full? Essays

Such action will eventually shape overall South African attitudes and behaviour in regard to what is considered wrongs, rights and societal imperatives. The much spoken about "step aside" in the ANC is exposing glass-half-empty against glass-half-full mindsets.

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Interestingly, the half-empty tendencies seem to have found expression within and outside the ruling party's corridors, including what is now known as "RET forces" as well as among the media. Half-empties see the "step-aside" intervention as a signpost of slaughter, decimation and obliterations of any and all in the ANC who are fingered for wrongdoing and consequently not liked much. We could debate if such persons are deserving of such dislikes.

Is the glass half empty or half full? Essays

More so since some try to misrepresent ANC resolutions. They opportunistically nitpick and attempt to spin ANC conference resolutions related to self-cleansing and step aside.

Is the glass half empty or half full? Essays

A mouthful]

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