Innate Immune Response Essay -

Innate Immune Response Essay - remarkable

The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Robert Finberg is a physician who specializes in infectious diseases and immunology at the Medical School at the University of Massachusetts. What does your body do when you get a vaccine? Your immune system responds to the foreign molecules that make up any vaccine via two different systems. Its goal is to eliminate the invader. White blood cells called neutrophils and macrophages travel to the intruder and work to destroy it. This first line of defense is relatively short-lived, lasting hours or days. Innate Immune Response Essay Innate Immune Response Essay

In our day-to-day life we encounter many infectious agents. The reason is quite Innate Immune Response Essay. We have a system in our Body which fights against such agents and Essag such system fails to defend, we fall ill. This overall ability to Innate Immune Response Essay the disease-causing organisms, conferred by the immune system is called immunity. When the viral infection happens, at first phase our innate immune system triggers. Phase 1: Innate immunity is non-specific type of defense, that is present at the time of birth. This is accomplished by providing different types of barriers to the entry of the foreign agents into Inante body.

This includes Physical barriers: Skin or mucus coating of the epithelium lining the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts, Physiological barriers: Acid in the stomach, saliva in the mouth, tears from eyes—all prevent microbial growth, Cellular barriers: Certain types of leukocytes WBC of our body like polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes PMNL-neutrophils and monocytes and natural killer type of lymphocytes in the blood as well as macrophages in tissues can phagocytose and destroy microbes.

Cytokine barriers: Virus-infected cells secrete proteins called interferons click protect non-infected cells from further viral infection. The Innate immune system provides general response to any infection.

Innate Immune Response Essay

Innate immune response cells secrete interferons and other chemicals cytokines. Interferons and cytokines cause fever, muscle aches as the early symptoms of infection. Interferons interfere with virus replication.

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Now phase two is triggered. Normal triggering time is days of infection. However, if the innate response is weaker, it may take longer time to trigger phase two. Phase 2: Under this phase Adaptive immune response comes into picture. It provides Specific response to the infection. It Involves two types of white blood cells. Due to Covid 19, world has faced huge problems. In order to Innate normal situation back, some argued for Immunity certificate.

Immunity certificate: Some proposed that persons infected with COVID 19 and recovered must be given Immunity Certificate, so that they can return to work. Thus, such idea may not work. Moreover, there is a chance of virus mutation. So, countries are trying to develop heard immunity through vaccination programme. If IgM and IgG are positive, infection was recent i. If only IgG is present, the infection occurred more than a few weeks ago. However, it does not tell us: if Innate Immune Response Essay person has recovered a persistent infection may be ongoing. Note: A negative antibody test does not tell us if a person is susceptible to infection. Mutation of Virus: Viruses may mutate over time. Herd immunity Herd immunity is the indirect protection of individuals from an infectious disease when a high proportion of a population is immune usually through vaccination.

Immunity through vaccination: Vaccines safely deliver source immunogen to the immune system to train to recognize the pathogen when its encountered naturally.

Expert Answer

Immunogens: Attenuated pathogen live, replicating, but not pathogenic Killed inactivated pathogen Recombinant viral antigen produced in a host cell and purified Peptides synthetic fragments of antigen Vectored viral pathogen expressed on a safe virus Nuclei acid DNA or RNA coding fora viral protein ad injected Innate Immune Response Essay body Route: Injection in the muscle or under the skinnasal spray, oral drops, aerosol Note: The nature of the immunogen and route of administration affects the type of immune response induced, the safety, the protection and the duration of protection.

This around the time when many patients start to recover. Patients who have had more sever disease appear to have higher levels of important neutralizing antibodies. Patients who had mild or asymptomatic COVID have low levels of neutralizing antibodies or even undetectable levels.

Innate Immune Response Essay

In these persons it is possible the innate immune response and the T cell response cleared the virus. Recant studies have shown that neutralizing antibodies may disappear after 3months.]

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