Injuries -

Injuries Injuries.

History[ edit ] Historically, personal injury lawsuits in tort for monetary damages were virtually nonexistent before the Industrial Revolution of the 19th Injuries. The term personal injury also incorporates injuries arising from medical and dental Injuries, that which may lead to medical negligence claims. Other causes of personal injury claims, include conditions that are often classified as occupational diseases.

Injuries injury cases may also include toxic tortsin which a contaminant transmitted by air or water causes illness, injury, or death. Other tort claims may be pursued in conjunction with personal injury claims.

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The most common personal injury claim involves injury from a motor vehicle accident. Although Injuries injury cases may result from an intentional act, such as defamationor from reckless conduct, most personal injury claims are based on a theory of negligence. To hold a party or parties legally liable for injuries so damages based upon negligence, four elements must be proved: [7] The party had a duty to act reasonably according to the circumstances. The party breached Injuries duty. You suffered monetary damages due to the Injuries you suffered when the party breached its duty of care.

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The amount of compensation for a Injuries injury will primarily depend on the severity of the injury. Serious injuries such as severed limbs or brain damage that cause intense physical pain and suffering receive the highest injury settlements. Lawsuits[ edit ] As occurs in most civil cases, personal injury cases begin by filing with a court a document called a "complaint. The complaint generally sets out the facts that the plaintiff will attempt to prove, and the defendant may attempt to disprove, throughout the litigation. In most Injuries, payments will Injuries through a settlement agreement or a judgment as a result of Injuries trial. Settlements can be either lump-sum or as Injuroes structured settlement in which the payments are made over a period of time.

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In some countries, those prevailing in link may recover their attorneys' fees from the opposing party. In the United States, a party may be able to seek Injuries when the other party acts without legal basis or justifiable cause. For example, if the opposing party Injuries to object to the complaint without significant reason or justifiable cause, a party may apply a motion for punitive damages Injuriies that the opposing party is harassing and or speculating without merit or reason. For example, in the United Statesattorneys often represent clients on a Injuries contingent fee basis " in which the attorney's fee is a percentage of the plaintiff's eventual compensation, payable when the case Injuries resolved, with no payment necessary if the case is unsuccessful.

Attorney fees are negotiable before hiring an attorney.


Although some jurisdictions have historically helped people obtain affordable legal representation, those systems have typically been narrowed and may exclude personal injury Injuries. For example, in England legal Injuriees from the government was largely abolished in the late s and replaced with arrangements whereby the client would be charged no fee if her or his case was unsuccessful. If a lawsuit is not filed in a timely manner the statute of Injuries provides a defense that can allow the defendant to have the case dismissed with no compensation to Injjuries plaintiff.

In England and Walesunder Injuries limitation rules, where an individual is bringing a claim for compensation, court proceedings must be commenced within 3 years of the date of the accident, failing which the claimant will lose the right to Injuries his or her claim. However, injured parties who were Injuries the age of 18 at the time of their accidents have until the day prior to their 21st birthdays to commence proceedings. A court has the discretion to extend or waive the limitation period if it is considered equitable to do so.


Rape claims, for example, often have a much longer statute of limitation than other injuries.]

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