Grit In The Classroom: Case Study -

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In this study, the researcher sought to identify the teacher support in the inclusive Early Childhood Development classroom for learners experiencing barriers to their learning. This study used the qualitative research methodology and also involved a descriptive survey design to collect data from a sample of 8 teachers and 2 teachers-in-charge for ECD classrooms. The findings showed that inclusive education promotes education for all children irrespective of their disability so that they can be educated in the same classroom with other learners of their age. The research concluded that school teachers in primary schools of Zimbabwe lacked training in the implementation of inclusive education for children with special needs. The study also concluded that ECD classrooms lacked material resources specifically classrooms, textbooks, trained teachers, tables, desks, finances, time, and computers to implement inclusive education for children with special needs. The research recommended that there is need to establish a clear and concise mandatory policy and legislation, supported by an Act of Parliament that spells out the expectations and roles of the stakeholders in the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities. Key Terms: Early Childhood Development, inclusive education, barriers to learning, teacher support, 1. This study focuses on the support given by teachers in addressing barriers to learning in inclusive classes for children in Early Childhood Development in Reigate District Bulawayo Province in Zimbabwe Inclusive education in Zimbabwe seeks to enhance the civil liberties of students with disabilities in the Early Childhood Development classroom and addressing barriers to learning in the classroom. Grit In The Classroom: Case Study Grit In The Classroom: Case Study

Visibly Invisible: Implicit bias and microaggressions in the classroom Keywords implicit bias; microaggressions; higher education; diversity; brave space; racial battle fatigue Setting This scenario takes place mid-semester of an introductory graduate class on intercultural communication. The professor and the majority of the students in the class are White.

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Christine is the only Black student in the class. Case Christine is halfway through her first semester of graduate school. She entered the program full of excitement, but her enthusiasm is waning. Christine has experienced several uncomfortable moments in the classroom and when working in small groups. Coassroom: notices her perspective and the ideas she contributes are often ignored.

Grit In The Classroom: Case Study

At first, Christine felt confused, worried she might be misunderstanding her classmates or overreacting. Given these doubts, Christine tried to convince herself she was being overly sensitive. However, two months into the semester, she sees a pattern of small slights.

Methods Used In Case Study - Semantic Web Case Studies and Use Cases

At times, she feels invisible. Christine is the American-born daughter of Nigerian immigrants who grew up in Baltimore. She is proud of her cross-cultural upbringing and had the opportunity to spend a year attending high school in Nigeria, a life-changing experience that opened her eyes to many different perspectives. After high school, she went to a historically Black university and loved her time there.

Christine was drawn to her current graduate program in Washington, DC because it would enhance her intercultural competency, as she expected other students in the program to be just as curious, open to new ideas, and passionate about understanding other cultures.

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In practice, however, Christine believes her classmates are unaware of the assumptions and biases they bring to discussions and team projects. Yet, Christine realizes she has never needed to fight so hard to have her voice heard.

Grit In The Classroom: Case Study

It now dawns Classrom: her that this is her first educational experience in a predominantly White institution PWI. Each group will need to make a decision at the end of a series of 5-minute rounds. Brad, a military veteran, immediately takes the lead. He reads the scenario and tells the group his thoughts. Christine decides to wait to hear what everyone else has to say before contributing.]

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