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Gay Marriage Debate Gay Marriage Debate

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By Matt Hadro Washington D. Simon senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation. The panel discussion came a few days before the April 28 oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, a monumental case that could lead to a nationwide redefinition of marriage.

Gay Marriage Debate

The legal challenge arises from four marriage cases decided by the U. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in November. In a decision, the judges upheld more info traditional marriage laws in four states — Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee — claiming the judiciary did not have the power to define marriage and that the decision should be Gay Marriage Debate to the citizens and the state legislatures. That ruling was appealed to the Supreme Court, which agreed to take the case and decide if same-sex couples have a legal right to marry under the 14th Amendment, Gay Marriage Debate if the states each have the power to define marriage for themselves. Dozens of amicus briefs were filed for both the plaintiffs and the respondents by individuals, organizations, states, hundreds of businesses, and the U. Department of Justice.

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There is no to same-sex marriage in the 14th Amendment or elsewhere in the Constitution, stressed Schaerr, who is a D. And such state laws do not deprive citizens of equal protection under the law, he continued. Although there is no legal right to same-sex marriage, people are still free to marry someone of the opposite sex, regardless of their own race, religion, or sexual orientation. If Gay Marriage Debate Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage in response to popular opinion, it could have long-reaching negative consequences that aggravate, not settle, the debate on the matter, Schaerr suggested, saying that this can be seen through Supreme Court history.

Gay Marriage Debate

Wade, the Court decided the pressing social question of legal abortion for the country.]

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