Conflict In Mean Girls -

Conflict In Mean Girls Video

Mean Girls - The Burn Book Conflict In Mean Girls

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Conflict In Mean Girls

Inone of the most quotable and trend setting movies was released for the world to see: Mean Girls. The title describes the Conflict In Mean Girls line pretty well, but to dive in deeper, Cady is a new student at school. Because of her attractiveness, the most popular, and the cruelest, group in school, the Plastics, decide to add her to their clique. Quickly Cady learns how deceiving the members of the group are, especially Regina who is the most popular girl in school. Cady quickly decides to sabotage the group, and runs into many bumps along the way.

Watching the movie with a conflict perspective, conflict triangles are a normal occurrence throughout the movie. We also can identify who controls the power in many of these relationships and how it may switch throughout the plot line.

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These conflict factors are a key part to how all arguments and ideas expand through the film. Ultimately, it also becomes a great example of what not to do in a conflict. The first time we encounter the conflict triangle between the triad is after the exchange of a secret and a follow up phone call digging for dirt. In the movie, Cady confides to Gretchen that she thinks a boy in her math class is cute and she may have a crush on him.

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Later on, however, we learn that Gretchen has spilled the news to Regina after a late night conversation with Cady. The video link is below, please watch in its entirety. First, the viewer can identify it as a triangle due to the initial interaction between two people, Gretchen and Cady, which may affect a third, Regina. It then switches to Regina confronting Cady and attempting to get her to accuse Gretchen of being a bad friend, a situation where Regina see more holds Conflict In Mean Girls. Another point in which we see the triangle dynamic play out is later in the movie when Gretchen starts to distrust Regina. Please begin the video below at 55 seconds and watch until In the clip, you see that she criticizes Regina for how she bosses people around.

Conflict In Mean Girls

She then divulges some serious information to Cady about how Regina cheats on Aaron weekly in the same place at the same time. The triangle has now rotated again with Gretchen in power as she turns to Cady with secrets and with Regina now becoming the weak end.

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This is only one example of a Conflict In Mean Girls threesome that appears in Mean Girlshowever, it serve as an excellent example for how they work. Because of the constant confidence in each other, with one being talked about or excluded, this is a prime example of a conflict triangle that could seemingly be toxic. Power is not only a struggle in the triangles, though. As Queen Bee Regina is the most popular girl in school, throughout much of the movie we see her take control in many of the conflicts.

However, as the movie plays out and Cady and her side group successfully begin to destroy Regina figurativelyConfliict see how the power shifts.]

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