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Colonial Mentality [A Documentary] Colonialism And Colonial Mentality In The Philippines Colonialism And Colonial Mentality In The Philippines

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Uncategorized Legacies of Western Colonialism East Asia had traditional empires and states with distinct identities lasting for hundreds or thousands of years and had a vibrant economy linked regionally. The interaction with the West served as an external catalyst for domestic transformation in East Asia. Don't use plagiarized sources. First, Western imperialism destroyed the Chinese world order, created an imperialist order, and colonized virtually all East Asian states. Thus, most East Asian peoples fought to win independence as an equal sovereign state in the West-dominated international system.

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Sovereignty, once achieved, is a jealously guarded national treasure. East Asians are fully embracing the Westphalian system, particularly the notion of noninterference in domestic affairs, while Europe is moving away from that conception.

Colonialism And Colonial Mentality In The Philippines

A specific legacy from the colonial days is a widely held belief that a strong and supportive state is needed to ensure national security and national capacity to compete internationally, thus the root of economic nationalism. The Chinese businessmen, for instance, found trading conditions worsened by the s and felt strongly that without a strong state they could not compete against Western firms that enjoyed advantages in the treaty ports and strong backing from home governments. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore were colonial creations.

Colonialism And Colonial Mentality In The Philippines

While Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam had had political identities before the Western arrival, Western powers determined their current borders. Western colonialism had a varied impact on the domestic political institutions and Menntality of East Asian nations. While controlling footholds in Melaka, Macao, Nagasaki, and Manila, Europeans facilitated trade expansion between East Asia and the rest of the world. Manila, for instance, was a center for the galleon trade in which Chinese traded silks, ceramics, and cottons for silver shipped from the new world. Fourth, European and American treaties with East Asians allowed the treaty ports to be connected, forming an intra-Asia network for East Asians as well as Westerners.

Colonialism And Colonial Mentality In The Philippines

Colonial legacies were part of the reason for the later successes of Hong Kong and Singapore. A familiarity with Western culture and practice and with the English language gave the two cities advantages over the rest of East Asia in international commerce. Fifth, a mass migration in the Western imperialist period explains why Chinese networks strengthened in Southeast Asia, which would become a major shaping force for East Asian IPE in later years. Chinese had been moving southward for centuries, but large migrations did not take place until Western powers came to control Southeast Asia. The Western colonial rule in Southeast Asia meant greater commercial opportunities for the Mentakity. Chinese population in Thailand, Malaya, Singapore, and Indonesia increased from aboutin to 3. While most returned to China after a short stay, around 6. The Chinese migration networks greatly facilitated an intra-Asia network.

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East Asians had to make sense of the drastic changes they were observing and to create a new system to view the world and to act accordingly. Two of the ideologies in response to colonialism were nationalism and communism. One camp comprised nationalist, capitalist countries and the other communist countries.

Unequal treaties were an immediate reason for resistance. Japanese, Chinese, and other East Asians were eager to restore rights such as tariff autonomy. The nationalist ideology borrowed from Europe by East Asians would later be used against colonial powers. Europeans trained some local elites but did not offer them opportunities.]

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