Canola Oil Research Paper -

Canola Oil Research Paper - sorry

How to Cite this Article Abstract Globally, the vegetable oil demand is growing due to rising food consumption in emerging countries such as China and due to the high demand for biofuels. Of the estimated vegetable oil production, Canola production is becoming an important crop in Kenya due to the high demand for edible oils, with the current production not meeting the current demand. This study evaluates canola production efficiency in Kieni West Constituency and its determinants using a stochastic production frontier approach and a sample of randomly selected 46 canola farmers. The output and input variables measured included the total amount of canola produced, land size under canola production, quantity of canola seeds, labour quantity engaged, and fertilizer quantity. The total input costs and income from canola farming were also evaluated. The mean technical efficiency score was 0. The determinants of canola production included gender of the farmer, age of the farmer, years of schooling of the farmer and number of household members. Canola production was found profitable with the farmers earning an average income of Kshs. Thus, the study recommends that there is need for policy makers to promote the crop as an alternative to other crops grown commonly in the area such as maize and coffee which have less return than canola.

Canola Oil Research Paper - for

Abstract Background Increasing evidence highlights healthy dietary patterns and links daily cooking oil intake with chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease CVD and diabetes. However, food-based evidence supporting the consumption of cooking oils in relation to total and cardiometabolic mortality remains largely absent. We aim to prospectively evaluate the relations of cooking oils with death from cardiometabolic CVD and diabetes and other causes. Results Overall, , deaths were documented during a median follow-up of 16 years. Intakes of butter and margarine were associated with higher total mortality while intakes of canola oil and olive oil were related to lower total mortality. Besides, butter consumption was positively associated with cancer mortality. Conclusions Consumption of butter and margarine was associated with higher total and cardiometabolic mortality. Replacing butter and margarine with canola oil, corn oil, or olive oil was related to lower total and cardiometabolic mortality. Canola Oil Research Paper.

Abstract The objective of this work was to determine the periods of interference of turnip, ryegrass and black oats infesting the canola crop.

Canola Oil Research Paper

Two Rwsearch of interference were studied: first, the canola cohabited with weeds for increasing periods up until 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after the emergency DAE and throughout the cycle; second, the culture was kept free of the infestation for the same periods described previously. At 51 DAE, the variables related to canola and weed morphophysiology were determined. In the harvest of the Canola Oil Research Paper, was measured the number of siliques, a thousand grain mass and grain yield.

The physiological variables, photosynthetic rate, internal CO2 concentration, perspiration rate, stomach conductance of water vapors, carboxylation efficiency and efficient water use did not show significant variation. The dry mass was reduced by The number of siliques and the mass of one thousand grains also decreased as the period of competition with the turnip, ryegrass and black oat weeds increased.

Interference from weeds has reduced by Communications in Plant Sciences vol. This crop has a great potential for grain production in Brazil, as it is an economic alternative for producers, since it can be used for crop rotation or even for the production of vegetable oils Angus et al. Canola oil can be used for human consumption due to its properties, being classified Canola Oil Research Paper a functional food and can also be used Canola Oil Research Paper the production of biodiesel Grassano et al. In Brazil, only spring aPper, obtained through genetic improvement of Colza, that has Researvh levels of erucic acid, glucosinolates and fats is grown.

Canola Oil Research Paper

Erucic acid and glucosinolates are highly toxic to humans and animals when ingested in high doses as they may cause heart damage, myocardial lipidosis. In animals glucosinolate affects the palate, here weight gain and can cause reproduction problems Tomm et al. The cultivation of canola as well as any agricultural crop is subject to competition for light, water and nutrients with other plants present in the area, which are undesirable in the crop, known as weeds Canoa ; Swanton et al.

Long et al.

Among the main winter crops, canola when compared to cereal grains, presents low competitive capacity when infested by weeds Hashem et al. In a plant community, the competition depends on several factors, among them the crop in which the weeds, cultivars and plant populations are present, the Canola Oil Research Paper niche with its specific composition, density and distributionmanagement are the main ones Bachega et al. Weeds cause losses in grain yield, reduce the quality of the harvested product, decrease the value of the land, host insects and diseases and some can still be toxic to humans and animals Shekhawat et al. Weed infestation can reduce crop yields when no method of management is adopted.

In canola, the highest proportion of turnip and ryegrass plants was the leaf area of the crop Galon et al. In addition to productivity losses when canola competes with the turnip, one can still reduce the quality of the harvested product.

Canola Oil Research Paper

Different shading periods made with nylon mesh in the canola caused stress Canola Oil Research Paper the crop and caused it to reduce the oil content of the seeds Kirkegaard et al. Cultivated plants present less capacity for competition, since they underwent several improvement processes, both in their structure and in their productive potential, as a consequence of their intense use by man to meet the demands of food Fontes et al. In general, the longer the period of aCnola of the crop with the weed community, the greater the degree of interference Pitelli ; Resende and Costa By conducting the study Canola Oil Research Paper these three periods, the best time to control weeds by infesting a particular crop can be determined Pitelli and Durigan PAI is the period in which weeds read more for a certain time at the beginning of the crop cycle, without causing Canolaa to the cultivated species.

However, the PTPI corresponds to the period in which, after emergence, the crop has to develop free of weeds, so that its productivity is not significantly reduced Kozlowzki et al.


Weed species that settle after the PTPI will no longer have significant conditions to interfere with the productivity of the cultivated plant, where the crop has the capacity to suppress weeds that emerge. The hypothesis of the work was that the longer canola cultivates Diamond lives with weeds, turnip, ryegrass and black oats, the greater are the physiological interferences and the losses of grain yields of the crop.

In this sense, this work article source the objective of determining the periods of interference of turnip, ryegrass and black oats infesting the canola crop.

The soil of the experimental area is classified as Humic Aluminoferric Red Latosol, Erechim mapping unit Streck et al. Soil fertilization was performed according to the physico-chemical analysis, followed by the technical recommendations for cultivation SBCSusing kg ha-1 of fertilizer formulation Canola Oil Research Paper in the moment of sowing canola. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replicates. The treatments were separated into two models of interference: Canola Oil Research Paper the first, the canola cohabited with weeds for increasing periods up to 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after the emergency AED and throughout the cycle AED ; being called the coexistence group and, in the second, the was kept free of the infestation for the same periods described previously, called control.

A ruler graduated in millimeters was used to evaluate plant height. The stem diameter was evaluated using a digital caliper at 5 cm above ground.]

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