Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech -

Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech

Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech Video

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Welcome to The Teacher As The goal of this weekly podcast is to help you explore your passions and learn from others in education and beyond to better your teaching.

Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech

The Teacher As I'd like to welcome Dr. Bethany Milner to The Teacher As Bethany is my sister Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech law, and she's awesome. So what do you want The Teacher As Bethany Milner Well, first and foremost, I am your sister in law and happy to be your sister in law. I am a teacher and a mom, currently working remotely. My students are college age students. So a lot of the things that I do are similar to what elementary and secondary school teachers do, just in a slightly different format with slightly different details.

I was originally an audiologist. And I practiced as a clinical audiologist for years. And I have been on the faculty at University of Rhode Island for the last 15 years. Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech Milner Cool. What made you decide to do the teaching piece of audiology? Bethany Milner That's interesting. So I kind of fell into it.

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When Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech was a doctoral student, I needed a job. And a lot of doctoral students teach classes at undergraduate institutions in order to get teaching experience. Theoretically, you're preparing to go on to a faculty also to work a part time job, which is Sleech I was looking for. So an opportunity came up for me to teach a class at one of the senior colleges of the system where I was doing my PhD. And I took it. And I found out that I really liked it. Although, I will say that my first teaching experience was terrifying.

Technology And Technology : Why Kids Sext? And I took a year off after that to be completely honest. And then I got the nerve to do it again, and it was a much better experience. It was absolutely terrifying. Melissa Milner Okay, what happened? Nope, nope, you're not getting off that easy. What happened? Bethany Milner I was not particularly good at it. I was really young.

Bethany Hamilton Informative Speech

And I just didn't really know how to manage a classroom. I didn't really know how to pace my lectures.

High School Common Core State Standards

A lot of the students in the class - it was a Master's level class - were more experienced than I was. So it definitely set the stage for a difficult time. And I wasn't terribly confident about what I was doing.]

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