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Authoritarianism Essays Authoritarianism Essays

Your purpose is to go beyond the course content in order to analyze an authoritarians rule or some specific aspect of their leadership or route to power.

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Ideally, you will use some of perspectives and approaches provided in the to evaluate and classify your authoritarian.

Please be sure to conduct Autuoritarianism using sources from outside the class. Authoritarianism Essays is highly recommended that you use the course readings as some of your sources for the paper, but please also use at least four external sources.

Authoritarianism Essays

For historical figures, it should Authoritarianism Essays possible to use scholarly, peer-edited sources, such as online articles that you find through the library. For more contemporary figures, you may need to draw more on journalistic accounts, but if you do so, please be sure to Authoritarianism Essays well-regarded and reputable news sources that are known for producing original content, using reputable sources, and checking facts. Avoid using any sources that do not clearly identify the author. Please do not use Wikipedia, biography.

Authoritarianism Essays

Your paper will be evaluated on its organization, content, and writing. You must show evidence of having conducted independent research using multiple sources from outside the class. It is also strongly recommended that you apply class concepts and perspectives to Authoritarianism Essays study and classification of your authoritarian. You are welcome to Authoritarianism Essays varying analyses of your chosen authoritarian and comment on their validity. Stronger papers will have some kind of underlying argument or thesis, rather than just reading like a report.

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As a final point, please be sure to carefully proof-read and edit your work before submission. Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount! Bookmark the permalink.]

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