Astra Oil Case Summary -

Astra Oil Case Summary

Astra Oil Case Summary - congratulate

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Astra Oil Case Summary - congratulate

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Vauxhall Astra How to Check Oil Level and Top Up Oil Astra Oil Case Summary

Oil Pressure Loss on cc Commandos and Summary: This Technical read article deals with solving the oil pressure loss on the Norton Commandos with crankcases without a sump drain plug.

The pressure loss is due to the engine wet sumping at constant high revs. The wet sumping is caused by a poor oil scavenge design on the cc engines and was Astra Oil Case Summary on the cc engines. The fix is to modify the crankcases to scavenge oil correctly. This fix involves splitting the cases, which is the hard part, for the actual fix is quite simple. History: In Norton made some good changes to the crankcases, but blew it when they changed the oil scavenge pickup. Prior to this the oil scavenge was through a sump plug and screen in the back of the crankcase. The Commando engine started out as the Atlas engine and was mounted straight up in the frame.


In Commando the engine is leaned forward, and I guess the engineers at Norton figured that since the existing scavenge pickup was not the lowest part of the crankcase, moving the pickup to the center of the crankcase the lowest point would be an improvement. This, however, was not the case, for with the counter clockwise rotation of the flywheel flinging oil to the rear and the lack of a place for oil to pool, at higher RPMs, the oil builds up in the rear of the crankcase and the scavenge pickup cavitates.

This causes the engine to wetsump and starve the upper end of oil. I Sum,ary encountered this problem with Astra Oil Case Summary race bike, which I built from the frame up from a Combat Commando.

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I mounted an oil pressure gauge on my bike from day one. I know most knowledgeable Norton riders say Astra Oil Case Summary use an oil gauge, for it will give you more problems than warnings; but after my experiences, I will always have a pressure gauge on my bikes. We make a nice oil gauge mounting kit and have several gauges available see Oil Gauge and Mount for more details. On the track I could watch my oil pressure go from 45psi to 0psi in a couple of laps and then find that all the oil was gone from the tank and was trying to come out of every seal. If I just putted around the pits, or once on a street circuit where I was under RPM most of the time, it worked fine.

Astra Oil Case Summary

Without the gauge I surely would have felt all was well and blown my engine. I tried everything I could think of to solve this problem, but slowly narrowed it down Astra Oil Case Summary crankcase design. I compared a crankcase to a to aand saw that in the scavenge pickup was back to the rear of the engine with a place for the oil to pool. Some people think that this is a Combat engine problem, but in reality it is a problem with any Norton Commando without a sump plug. I think the Combat was bought by riders that were more likely to run the bike harder, therefore this problem reared its ugly head more for the combat riders.

The Fix: To fix this problem you need to split the cases. Since my engine only had a few miles on it, I just removed the drive side crankcase. You can leave the timing chain, crank, and cam in the timing side. I only removed the oil pump since it may cause pressure on the crank without the crank being supported on the drive side. With the cylinder, pistons, engine bolts and oil pump removed, I placed the engine on wood blocks with the timing side down. I built a puller that would screw into the three inner primary fixing bolt holes and push on the crank to pop the drive side case off.

All Astra Oil Case Summary have to do to the timing side case is plug up the oil scavenge hole. This is the hole drilled Commercial Exploitation the raised passage way in the bottom of the case.

Astra Oil Case Summary

Sum,ary Mick Hemmings article he used Araldite, which is an epoxy compound that he still recommends, so I also used it. I am sure other compounds would work just the same--just make sure they are a proper fit for this application. I prepared the hole by cleaning it and scratching the surfaces for better adhesion. The drive side needs to be machined out as shown in the following pictures. The idea is to remove the oil scraper flange shown in the first read article and machine Astra Oil Case Summary case below the oil scavenge hole on the timing side flange shown in the second picture. I tried to make a place for oil to pool, which I feel will help eliminate cavitation. If you do not want to replace your bearing, you can protect it with tape on both sides so the machining process would not Astra Oil Case Summary the bearing.]

Astra Oil Case Summary

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