Armenian Religion -

Armenian Religion Armenian Religion

This means the AAC is afforded many privileges Armenian Religion given to other churches. Freedom of religion a guaranteed right under the Constitution, which also allows for conscientious objection to military service. Although the government promises the right to freedom of religion, several denominations have filed reports of religious persecution.

These reports range from difficulty obtaining construction permits to physical and verbal harassment. Religious Demography of Armenia Of the 3.

Religion In Armenia

The majority of these individuals identify as members of the Armenian Apostolic Church, around This is not, however, the only religious identity within the country. Other religions include Judaism, Yazidism, and Paganism. Religions in Armenia with the Largest Numbers of Followers As previously mentioned, the Armenian Apostolic Church is the national religion, and has the largest percentage of followers among the Armenian populace. This church can be traced Armenian Religion to the 1st Century AD when its ideology was introduced by Bartholomew and Thaddeus, both Christian apostles.

Armenian Religion

Armenia went on to become the first nation in the world to declare Christianity as its national religion in the 4th Century. Practitioners of this faith celebrate Christmas on January 6, combining the birth of Jesus with the Feast of the Epiphany.

Armenian Religion

Inthe church canonized all of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. This canonization event is one of the largest in history and the first performed by the church in years.

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Inthe Constitution was amended to make proselytizing to Armenian Apostolic members a crime. Minor Religions in Armenia The largest non-Christian sect in Armenia are the Yazidis, who also represent the largest ethnic minority. Yazidi is has a combination of beliefs from several religions, including Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Judaism.

Typically, marriage only Armenian Religion between two Yazidis. These individuals came to present-day Armenia in an attempt to escape religious persecution by Ottoman Turks and Sunni Kurds in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Today, this group is building the largest Yazidi temple in the world in a small town in Armenia. The majority of Armenian Religion individuals live around Mount Aragats. The largest minority religion in Armenia is Evangelical Christianity, with approximately 29, followers.

The Armenian Evangelical Church was established in Armenian Religion church has its roots in the Pietistical Union, a Reliigion study group from that era. During these meetings, the members began to disagree with the practices of the Armenian Apostolic Church. These reformists were Armenian Religion and organized an independent religious community, the Evangelical Church. Today, this religion is practiced in several countries. Although centered in Armenia, its practitioners are located in several other countries, particularly in Poland, Lebanon, and Syria. Between andworldwide followers of the Armenian Catholic Church grew fromtoReligion In Armenia.]

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