Arguments Against Environmental Racism -

Arguments Against Environmental Racism Arguments Against Environmental Racism

The Flint water crisis. The Exide Technologies plant in Los Angeles. These are just a few of the notable examples of environmental racism inflicted on low-income Black, brown, and indigenous communities by businesses and governments.

Arguments Against Environmental Racism

Professor Douglas led an engaging discussion that defined environmental racism while expertly demonstrating it is caused by deeply rooted systemic issues in America and abroad. To open his remarks, Professor Douglas disputed the notion that environmentalism and environmental justice are tree-hugging causes with little impact on human life.

Marilyn Mosby is an agent of the State

The message was clear — the economic establishment of the late 19th century depended on racist oppression in one form or another, just as much of the business world does to this day through forces such as environmental racism. The documentary traces the Arguments Against Environmental Racism between a loophole written into the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery and the oppression of Black people that continued after the end of the American civil war up to the present day. Extractive industries fossil fuels, natural resource mining and governments that permit corporations to prioritize profits over human life have chosen to inflict this harm on communities of color because it is politically and financially Racusm.

Arguments Against Environmental Racism

Very few companies that depend on our finite supply of natural resources have substantially pushed back against decades of deliberate environmental racism by their business partners. Professor Douglas also detailed the legal threats and physical violence that environmental justice advocates, often low-income Black, brown, and indigenous people, face in the United States and abroad from corporations, police, and governments. These, such as Bertha Caceres of Hondurashave been killed for their advocacy.

Arguments Against Environmental Racism

First, they can enter the workforce with an awareness of the practice of environmental racism to be better prepared to end it. Future business leaders should know that where companies choose to make their messes is not an accident.

1. Health crisis, environmental crisis and social rights

Consider the Dakota Access Pipeline. In response to the outcry from Envirnomental Standing Rock Sioux of South Dakota over the harmful impacts of the proposed pipeline, lawmakers and industry have collaborated to pass legislation that effectively criminalizes and stigmatizes protest. Second, those who live near the byproducts of dirty and wasteful businesses rarely do so by choice. Arguments Against Environmental Racism choices are typically made by companies looking to get rid of thorny problems by exporting them to communities with little wealth or political power.

Shipping dirty industries to economically distressed communities is not a lifeline the unemployed or underemployed; it is predation. A focus on just outcomes rather than best intentions will inevitably lead to diminished harm from environmental racism.]

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