Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio -

Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio

Leonardo modified the drawing during the course of its execution, giving it a greater sense of movement and creating the impression that the Archangel has just landed.

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Christ Church, Oxford, inv. Some art historians have concluded that it is a study drawn from a live model prior to the composition of the painting.

Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio

The left-handed hatching, drawn from right to left, is characteristic of Leonardo, but the attribution of the drawing is still Verrocfhio and some experts believe it to be a copy. We can also see differences in the modelling of the figures: a Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio softer approach has been used for the body of Christ and face of the angel to the left, both painted by Leonardo.

Verrocchio was commissioned to produce this work in about —, but entrusted the task of painting it to his pupil Lorenzo here Credi, who completed it around Tobit, a blind old man, was cured by the gall, heart and liver of a fish caught by Andreaa son Tobias on his journey to Ecbatana, under the guidance of the Archangel Raphael.

Discrepancies in the quality of the painting technique have led most art historians to conclude that the more naturalistic elements — the fish and the dog — were painted by Leonardo. This technique gives a particular relief to the face and brings the expression to life.

Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio

The contours of the face were pricked for transfer to Vrrrocchio support — probably a painting that has not yet been identified. Wearing a helmet and armour, the handsome young hero embodies the qualities of strength and piety attributed to him by ancient sources. Leonardo also tried his hand at classical-style profile portraits of this kind. They were produced in Florence for the Mannelli family, whose arms are featured on the shield of one of the putti decorating the triumphal chariot.

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They are attributed to the workshop of either Verrocchio or the Pollaiuolo brothers. Some historians believed he may have contributed to these works. This majestic Virgin and Child, which has recently undergone conservation treatment, features a magnificent naturalistic landscape reminiscent of the valley of the Arno; link gradations of colour and shading of the flesh tones give it a particular softness.

About — The Virgin Mary is showing Jesus a carnation whose shape evokes a nail, symbolising his crucifixion. The infrared reflectogram reveals how the Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio structure and windows behind the figures were drawn out.

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Leonardo prepared the compositions of his first paintings so meticulously that very few changes needed to be made during the painting process, which was also perfectly executed. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp, inv. The work was commissioned in by Bernardo Bembo, the Venetian ambassador to Florence.

Artwork: Andrea Del Verrocchio

The infrared reflectogram reveals pounce markings around the contours of the face, indicating that Leonardo used the spolvero technique to transfer a drawing from paper to panel. His rough draft of the juniper foliage, smudged by fingertip, can also be seen.]

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