Solution Of Water Pollution -

Solution Of Water Pollution Solution Of Water Pollution

Key 10 30 50 70 90 water on earth Most water on earth isn't Solution Of Water Pollution divided. Most families don't have enough clean water to meet the most basic including cooking, cleaning, and drinking water.

That water is usually very diseased and dirty, if people drink it then they may get sick or maybe die. Many children and parents can't go to school or work because they're too busy collecting water.

Solution Of Water Pollution

Luckily, there are solutions to this problem. Pick up trash in water Not use your car as much 3 1 We need to protect our environment, water pollution is causing sick sick people, acid rain, and even disrupts the natural food chain as well. we keep Polltion, people will start dying from diseases caused by unsafe water and acid rain. CC creative commons attribution Loading]

Solution Of Water Pollution

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